Ramdung Peak ClimbingRamdung Peak Climbing

Ramdung Peak Climbing

    Ramdung Peak Climbing is an achievable peak in the Upper Rolwaling region of Nepal. This mountain, also called Ramdung Go, offers a breathtaking vista of the Himalayan ranges, which extend from Everest to Langtang. The breathtaking views of Mt. Gaurishanker and Menlungtse from the summit are enchanting. If you are searching for a mountain to tackle on your first ascent, try Ramdung Peak. While ascending Ramdung Peak requires simple technical knowledge and physical stamina, it is manageable with enough preparation. You'll start our tour in Kathmandu and drive to Charikot. For those who climb Ramdung peaks, some primary attractions include the Yalung glaciers, Na Village, the hidden valley of Rolwaling, Yalung La (Yalung Ri), and several other spots. Climbing Ramdung Peak with Nepal Nomad, you have nothing to worry about. We have a professional staff you can trust for the duration of the journey, and we have a well-planned itinerary.
    Ramdung Peak, standing gloriously at 5,930 meters above sea level in the gorgeous Rowaling Valley, provides an enthralling Himalayan climbing experience.
    • Scaling the Ramdung Peak, 5,925 meters (19,473 feet)
    • You are hiking across picturesque highlands and verdant jungles.
    • breathtaking views from Ramdung Peak's summit
    • You visit breathtaking Sherpa settlements at higher altitudes to learn about their customs, way of life, and culture.
    • The Bugu Gumba monastery is exquisite.
    • You're walking through a camp in the breathtaking Himalayas.
    • There are stunning vistas of the Tibetan Himalayas, Dorje Lakpa, Gaurishanker Himal, and Chobabhamre.
    • The Rolwaling area offers less-traveled paths.

    ​​​Route for Climbing Ramdung Peak

    The route to Singita via Dolakha and Charikot marks the start of the Ramdung Peak Climbing Expedition, which leads to the boundary of the Gaurishankar Conservation Area. When you reach Daldung La (2,850 m) in the second half of the second day, the real climb begins.
    As you follow the Rolwaling River up, you will come to a valley. From there, you can glimpse the 7,134-meter-high Gaurishankar peak. The duration of the hike will get shorter as you approach higher altitudes. Make sure you rehearse using your equipment and train up on your skills before heading to Ramdung Base Camp (5,040 meters). Before spending the night there, visit the Ramdung High Camp and the Ramdung Glacier. Then, complete an early ascent in the morning.

    Find out the cost, itinerary, and the ideal time to climb Ramdung Peak.

    Ramdung Peak offers 18 day mountain climbing experiences, costing between $5000-5500 per person. Nepal Mountaineering Association charges $250/person in spring, $125/person in fall, and $70/person in winter/summer. Given that the weather is consistent and ideal for hikers, spring and autumn are among the best seasons in Nepal to organize and carry out a high-pass adventure. The trek is going to be more challenging because December through May are winter months. Therefore, we always advise you to complete the journey during the spring (March through May) or fall (September through November) seasons. During their expeditions and ascents, climbers rely on food as their primary energy source. If you restore your energy on an hourly basis, make sure you pack emergency health energy snacks and dry meals.
    Additionally, comfortable lodging is a crucial component of the trip since it aids in your body's preparation for the upcoming day's hike. Getting enough sleep and recovery are essential when hiking at high altitudes. You have the option of staying in lodges and tents when climbing Ramdung Peak in a lower section. To ensure a cozy and warm night's sleep, it's also a beneficial idea to pack a sleeping standing proudly at an altitude of 5,930 meters, Ramdung Peak offers a captivating Himalayan mountaineering experience in the picturesque Rowaling Valley.


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    When you get to Kathmandu, you'll see Mount Everest and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Upon arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA), you will receive a Nepal entry visa. Depending on the length of the line, the visa process takes approximately forty-five minutes. An official representative will greet you as you exit and arrange for your hotel stay. Later, following a thirty-minute drive to Thamel, you will explore the surrounding area after checking into the hotel and refreshing yourself. Following an expedition briefing, Nepal Nomad will extend an invitation to a dinner.

    • Max. Altitude:1350 meters (4429 feet)
    • Accommodation:Hotel
    • Time:30 minute
    • Meals:BB
    • Walking Distance:3 km
    • Transport:Private

    Kathmandu Valley is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Patan, Boudhanath, Swyambhunath, and Pashupatinath. Visit the beautiful art city of Patan, as well as Buddhist stupas and Hindu temples. After meeting the trekking guide, spend the night at a hotel.

    • Max. Altitude:1350 meters (4429 feet)
    • Accommodation:Hotel
    • Time:6 hour
    • Meals:BB
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Private

    You drive to Chhetchhet, a 1377 m (4517 ft) hill, after breakfast in Kathmandu. The trip takes around eight hours. The picturesque route offers beautiful vistas and nearby activities. You drive along the banks of the Sunkoshi River, Bhotekoshi, and Araniko Highways.

    • Max. Altitude:1377 m (4517 feet)
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:7-8 Hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:125km
    • Transport:Private

    A 6-7-hour climb from Chcet Chhet to Simigaun (2100 m/6889 ft) passes through a deep forest, breathtaking vistas of Mt. Gauri Shankar, lovely waterfalls, and quaint villages. Interacting with locals and witnessing the traditional Sherpa villages are part of the walk.

    • Max. Altitude:2100 m/6889 ft
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    The trail leads from the gompa to a tiny Kharka above the Rolwaling Khola, where it descends through the forest. The trail then starts to ascend steeply through the woodland. Our hike to Gyalche Kharka continues once we get to the huge waterfall. From here, the route to the roomy Dongang campsite is a gentle stroll through the forest, next to a small stream.

    • Max. Altitude:2850 meters (9350 feet).
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    The hike from Dongang to Bedding takes 6-7 hours and covers a distance of 3690 meters. The path on the south bank of Rolwaling Khola is gentler and offers stunning views of Gaurishankar. The crossing landslides and the suspension bridge over Themlung Khola allow for bird watching. The trail continues along the north bank, passing Sherpa settlements Nyimare and Ramding.

    • Max. Altitude:3690 meters (12106 feet)
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Private

    The trail is relatively short and easy to walk in a single day. The rocky trail from Beding ascends with ease among small fir trees. You keep walking to reach Na Village. Na is a fragmented settlement on a wide alluvial fan with many tea houses and nice places to camp.

    • Max. Altitude:4180 meter (12106 feet).
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:4 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:5 km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    Spending a day in Na village will aid in your acclimatization. You can hike through the lovely settlement, discover several untidy monasteries, and enjoy fantastic views of Mt. Chobutse, which rises to 6689 meters above Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake, Ramdung Peak, and other snow-capped summits. You begin your 4-hour return journey up to the end of Tsho Rolpa Lake to see the views of Kang Nachao above Na. Up the valley beyond Na, near the meeting point of the Ripimo Shar and Trakarding glaciers, rises the magnificent summit of Chobutse above the Tsho Rolpa.

    • Max. Altitude:3690 meters (12106 feet)
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:6km
    • Transport:Hike / Trek

    As you reach the peak, you hike up alongside the river once more before veering south and climbing more steeply to the Yalung Basecamp (4985 m) camping area. As we ascend higher, the views of the Rolwaling Himal become more spectacular. Parchemo, which is located at the head of the valley, and Cho Oyu (8201 m), which is located about 35 kilometers distant in the Khumbu, are both visible from Yalung Basecamp. To the west, our goal, the conspicuous, wedge-shaped Yalung Ri (5630 m), rises above us. In this wonderful location, we spent our one and only camping night of the journey. We have the afternoon free to get ready for tomorrow's climb, and everyone will get into their sleeping bags early at camp after supper.

    • Max. Altitude:4985 meters.
    • Accommodation:Tent
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    You prepare to take the trail before dawn and wake up early, usually around three in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, you leave the base camp and begin our ascent. From base camp to base camp, the climb will take an average of eight hours overall.

    • Max. Altitude:5630 m
    • Accommodation:Tent
    • Time:3 hour
    • Walking Distance:3km
    • Transport:Hike

    The path gradually ascends stone slabs to Yalung La Pass, after which we will travel to Ramdung Base Camp across snow-covered rocky glacier slopes. Along the route, you will be able to see a variety of mountain vistas, including those of Yalung, Menlung, Gauri Shanker, and several more snow-capped high peaks that stretch beyond the border into Tibet. As you get ready for the ascent to the top of Ramdung Peak, we will set up camp, assess our health, and get everything ready.

    • Max. Altitude:5150 meters
    • Accommodation:Tent
    • Time:7 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    You will start our ascent early in the morning because the wind will make it difficult for us to reach Ramdung Peak's summit. The ascent is more difficult, but at the summit, you will enjoy a breathtaking view of Everest, Gaurishankar, Melungste, Yalang, and other nearby high peaks. After reaching the top, you will descend to Base Camp using the same route.

    • Max. Altitude:5630 m
    • Accommodation:Tent
    • Time:11 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:11km
    • Transport:Climb / Trek

    As you made your way back to Na, the trail disappeared into the river. The location is an open path with the alluring sound of the river and fresh air. As the hike returns, you will have a broad view of the mountains. Yaks grazing on lovely pasturelands will cross the Sherpa community, showcasing their distinctive attributes.

    • Max. Altitude:4180m (12106 feet).
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:5 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:5km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    After leaving Na, the trail descends toward Beding. The trail is enjoyable and easy. Na's peaks and vistas gradually fade away. A few hours later, you arrive in Beding. It's a simple path through Ramding, via the Sumda temple, and ending at Thangthing. To get to Dongang, you roll down and cross the river.

    • Max. Altitude:2850 meters (9350 feet).
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:6 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:7 km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    The trail descends to the waterfall bridge and continues straight to the stream's terminus. The main descent is from Utese to Surmuche. For three hours, you walk from Surmuche to Simigaun.

    • Max. Altitude:2100 m (6889 feet)
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:5 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:5 km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    As you descend towards Chhetchhet, the serene ambiance of upper Rolwaling vanishes, giving way to a rough dirt road. The trail from Simigaun is pleasant, winding past Chortens and the millet field settlement.

    • Max. Altitude:1377 meters (4517 feet)
    • Accommodation:Lodge
    • Time:5 hour
    • Meals:All
    • Walking Distance:5 km
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    Following our morning breakfast at the Chhetchhet accommodation, you will take a bus back to Kathmandu. It takes seven hours to get to KTM through the stunning scenery of villages, hills, mountains, and disappearing rivers. You'll spend the rest of the day relaxing or shopping for gifts and mementos.

    • Max. Altitude:1350 meters (4429 feet)
    • Meals:All
    • Transport:Walk / Trek

    We appreciate your participation in our journey and hope it has brought joyous memories. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and we wish you a safe return home.

    • Max. Altitude:1350 meters (4429 feet)
    • Accommodation:Hotel
    • Meals:BB
    • Transport:Flight
    Good to Know
    • Date Modifications

    If you make the change at least one day before the tour begins, Nepal Nomad promises to adjust your trip dates.

    • Transferable Credit for Upcoming Tours

    If you need to cancel, you can transfer your current funds to a future tour and avoid paying cancellation fees if you notify Climbing Himalaya 30 days before departure.

    • Minimal Deposit

    A deposit of at least 30% of the booking price is required; the full balance is not payable until seven days before departure.

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